Monday, December 9, 2019

Organizational Quality Management Evaluation and Performance

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Performance Managed to Yield favorable Outcome. Answer: Introduction In this topic, Im going to discuss issues related to how an organization can be managed to yield a favorable outcome. It always includes aspects of quality management, evaluation, performance indicators and systems of performance. The unit will discuss the ways in which an organization can be evaluated for success. What Im going to discuss today will revolve around understanding how the performance of an organization can be measured. How I will be able to monitor performance by putting in mind issues such as delivery of service effectively and efficiently. Be able also to showcase how Im going to show competence in doing research and to be able to provide appropriate findings that go hand in hand with the organizational position. Working together with my team we are supposed to showcase our ability in analyzing, research and discussing the various ways of improving service delivery in these organizations. As part of management, we have a big role in monitoring the progress of an orga nization by always keeping watch on the political, social, economic changes in the company to be able to evaluate where we are going as an organization. I am going to discuss issues related to organizational performance such as the structural perspective, the power political perspective, system perspective, and gender perspective and then we are going to evaluate this by looking at the performance of the private sector, Non-profit Organizations, and International organizations. Structural Perspective: The main reason for the establishment of an organization is to attain the set goals and targets which mostly include service delivery, employment and to earn a profit. For this to be real, then organizations must ensure that they enroll into specialization and picking up talents and skillful personnel that can perform their set targets easy and at a very faster rate and appropriately. An appropriatemanagement and control will ensure that skills and efforts of individuals and units can match up well(Nations., 2003). An organization will be successful when someones personal agenda is not considered over the companys agenda. Appropriate technology, skills, and the environment must be designed in a way that they go and in hand with the structure of the organization. Whenever there is a structural deficiency, the organization is most likely to decrease in performance, and this can only be corrected by analyzing, evaluating and restructuring by bringing in the right ; technology, personnel, resources and also the right agendas. Strengths that are evaluates in structural perspective includes the use of common sense, proper application of research findings and appropriate measurement of success. Power Political Perspective: Political Perspective discusses ways in which politics can affect the performance of an organization. Im therefore going to show how organizations have become a battlefield for individual interest and groups interest rather than general interest. An organization is made up of a variety of people. People with very different social, tribal, gender backgrounds. All these groups have very different perspective in the way they view this organization that they work towards achieving success(Go, 2012). People have a difference in values, information, perception reality, and beliefs. Conflicts therefore normally arise when it comes to distributing of these scarce resources among these different types of people. The big issue here is who can get what and who is not able to get. These scarce resources, therefore, results in conflicts, and it ends up being worse. Political ability, therefore, steps in here and makes power an important tool in winning over the minori ty group. People should, therefore, put aside their political abilities and work for the good of attaining success for these organizations. The organization's interest should always be put at the forefront always. Common interest, ideas, and values should be at the center stage and bring people back. Problems, therefore, arises when too much politics is put up and when leaders what to quantify their political might. Systems Perspective: The success of an organization is impacted both positively and negatively by the environment that they operate in. Organization continually and drastically adapt to the environment that they are operating. The organization must, therefore, look for ways in which they must adjust to accommodate the changes that are experienced daily in the external environment. Organization and environment are internally interconnected and independent. Therefore, making a change on anyone of this component will result in big changes in the entire system. It is, therefore, an in important aspect to select an appropriate environment that can provide the desired results in providing success to the business. A good organization, therefore, can accommodate both structural and power political elements. Gender Perspective: The perspective surrounding this is in ensuring that we understand the context surrounding us and what makes up an environment and politics revolving around sexuality and gender and the goals and targets that follow it. I will be discussing how an organization can be successful when it comes to gender balance and the importance of each gender in ensuring the success of an organization(Kumra, Simpson, Burke, 2016). According to Gherardi gender does not only involve bodies and power but it also includes knowledgeable politics. Each organization contains different types of bodies or gender and sexuality. How do we, therefore, define sexuality? Women are defined by terms of body to have the capacity to bear children and Men with the ability to sire children. The society, political world, and our cultures define gender as people with different roles in the society. Gender roles are distributed in the organizations. Some jobs today is either dominated by males or femal es, and there are those that have been shared by almost an equal portion. The most dominated female occupations normally include sales, clerical while men dominate the production and the graft, technical and managerial positions. Gender roles are therefore defined by the expectations that individuals and the society expect from this individual based on their sex and also what the society expects of people based on their gender. Gender is usually confused with sex in that they are very different concepts altogether. I would, therefore, define sex as a biological response determined by primary sexual characteristics of an individual. Gender is also defined as values, meanings, and characteristics that people relate to different sex(Merino, 2011). At the moment both genders have an equal role in the society. In fact, women today have become very entrepreneurial and will soon overtake men. An organizational success can, therefore, be measured by putting into consideration the following three aspects: Economic, Social and Environmental Indicators. With Economics, we define its financial status and assets. For social we identify the impact that it has brought into the community, and for Environmental aspect, we look at its ability to sustain itself in that environment. The private organizations are termed to be successful in their operations because of the kind ofmanagement that is in operation. Private organizations are not mostly affected by political factors like corruption and poor governance. The private sectors mostly work in providing the best service delivery. The only problem with private institutions is working towards maximizing profits hence exploiting the common man(Films Media Group Video Education Australasia, 2009). Non-profit organizations are very distinct when compared to the public sectors. Their mission and roles are very different as compared to those found in the public sector. They have a different role which includes; service-provider, vanguard role, and role of protecting values. In providing service delivery, they could either provide services that are unique or those that are the same with those provided by the government agencies but in a very different and quality way(Alakil, 2003). Some government services may be insufficient due to scarce resources hence the Non-governmental organizations come to rescue in providing services that are very beneficial to the society. These organizations also provide advocacy role by giving voice to the minority in the society by fighting for their rights and becoming the people's watchdog and criticize the government for every wrong that they do in making the common people suffer. According to Salomon, nonprofit organizations are seen to be advocat es for the large community interest(Flynn, 2001). A value promoted by the nonprofit organizations includes; commitment beyond the countries laws in working for the good of its people, honesty, accountability, respect and dignity to individuals beliefs. They also do goodwill in delivering service to the poor and all the less privileged in the society. The international organizations therefore also, on the other hand, have a bigger role in delivering service to the society. I will put much emphasis on the World Bank. This international organization has been very successful in bringing change into the society influenced by their wish in working for the common good of the people. Most of their roles include; eradication of poverty, promoting community projects, ensuring change in governance and important service delivery organization change in the way in which they provide services. Statistics has shown that most of the developing countries poverty ratios keep increasing despite all the efforts by this nonprofit and World Bank in elevating poverty(Group., 2007). These minimal changes have mostly resulted from working with governments which are corrupt and ineffective. Conclusion Different organizations are impacted by a lot of factors including structural, political, gender basis and system perspective. The performance of an institution is measured by its vision and mission in service delivery to the common people. Organizations like nonprofit, private sector and international organizations play a bigger role in promoting service delivery, but their dreams have always been killed by negative politics surrounding this organization and lack of support from the governments who purports corruption and lack of desire to eradicate poverty in the society making their efforts futile. References Alakil, A. M. (2003). Objective evaluation of non profit organizations (NPO's) : an analytical hierarchy process approach. Florida: Ph. D. Florida Institute of Technology. Films Media Group, Video Education Australasia. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility. New york: Video Education Australasia. Flynn, P. (2001). Measuring the impact of the nonprofit sector. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. Go, J. (2012). Political power and social theory. Bingley, U.K. : Emerald, . Group., W. B. (2007). The development potential of regional programs : an evaluation of World Bank support of multicountry operations. Washington, DC: World Bank. Kumra, S., Simpson, R., Burke, R. J. (2016). The Oxford handbook of gender in organizations. oxford: Oxford Oxford University Press. Merino, N. (2011). Gender. Farmington Hills : Greenhaven Press. Nations., F. a. (2003). Organization and structure of FAO, including titles of staff = Organisation et structure de la FAO, et titres des fonctionnaires. Roma: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

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